• Main Number: 904-448-4180    Fax: 904-448-4184


Board Certified in Neurology, we specialize in treating patients with Neurological Problems and conditions of the Spine. We are dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of all Neurological conditions such as stroke, seizures, Alzheimer’s, shingles sciatica, dementia, peripheral neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease.

Neck, Back and Neurological problems have many causes, but often are related to a traumatic event such as a motor vehicle accident or sport related injury. If you are having any type of Neurological symptoms such as headaches or dizziness, then it is important to be examined by a Neurologist who is familiar with the types of injuries caused by a traumatic event.

Don’t hesitate to be seen by a Neurologist. Early treatment of Neurological issues can often prevent future problems.


We are here to help after your auto accident.


Find relief for your most severe symotoms.


Our team of expert neurologists will help find the root of your pain.

Immediate/Same Day Appointments for Auto Injuries

Board Certified

State of the art Pain Management Facility

Friendly and
Experienced Staff

Auto and medical
Insurance accepted

Health Insurance We Accept

All Auto Insurances Accepted

  • AARP
  • Aetna
  • Florida Blue
  • UnitedHealth Group
  • Medicare
  • Medicare
  • Medicare