We provide minimally invasive testing options to help manage your pain
We can manage patients’ pain levels with prescription medicine that is closely monitored by our physicians. We may also prescribe physical therapy to improve flexibility and strength. For patients who do not respond with sufficient improvement, we may opt for injections performed in our office. Our goal is to cure your injury or pain medically, without the use of highly invasive procedures or the need for surgery.
Many tests require you to close eyes and/or remain still for approximately 30 minutes. In order to receive the most accurate results, we ask you NOT bring children who need supervision to your appointment.
- On-Site Neurology Tests
- NCVS-nerve conduction velocity study
- EMG- electromyography
- EEG- electroencephalogram
- CD- carotid doppler
- BAER- brain auditory evoked potential
- VEP- Visual Evoked Potential
- Repetitive Stimulation Study
- Somatosensory Evoked Potential
- Balance Testing- Vestibular Function
NCVS-nerve conduction velocity study — Evaluates the speed of impulses through nerves to determine damage. No lotions or oils on the skin since electrodes are placed on arms or legs. If you are having test performed on your lower extremities please wear shorts to your appointment. Some discomfort may occur from mild electrical impulses throughout the testing. Physicians often order EMG testing in conjunction to NCVS to be performed, which provides the most complete evaluation. Please print the Neuro-Diagnostic Prep Sheet before your scheduled appointment time .
EMG- electromyography — Assesses the health and function of the muscles and nerves that control muscles. No lotions or oils on the skin since needle electrodes are inserted through skin into muscle. Some discomfort may occur with needle insertion and soreness after muscle contractions.
Please print the Neuro-Diagnostic Prep Sheet before your scheduled appointment time.
EEG- electroencephalogram — Non-invasive brain wave test to detect possible abnormal brain cell activity. Hair must be dry with no hair pieces or weaves, since electrodes are placed on scalp. While you are reclining in a still position, electrodes are pasted on various areas of your head. Please print the Neuro-Diagnostic Prep Sheet before your scheduled appointment time.
BAER– Brain Auditory Evoked Potential — Non-invasive test using four electrodes attached to the scalp with paste. You listen to sounds through headphones. Hair must be dry with no hair pieces or weaves since electrodes are placed on scalp. Please print the Neuro-Diagnostic Prep Sheet before your scheduled appointment time
VEP- Visual Evoked Potential — Non-invasive test using three electrodes attached to the scalp with paste. You watch a TV screen with each eye covered in turn. There is no preparation or discomfort. Please bring glasses with you if you wear them. Please print the Neuro-Diagnostic Prep Sheet before your scheduled appointment time.
Repetitive Stimulation Study — Non-invasive test that stimulates the nerve repetitively to test the stamina. Wear short sleeve shirt with no lotions or oils. Do NOT take MESTINON for at least 12 hours prior to the study. Please print theNeuro-Diagnostic Prep Sheet before your scheduled appointment time.
Somatosensory Evoked Potential — Non-invasive test with four electrodes attached to the head with paste. We stimulate the wrist or ankle, and you will feel a tapping sensation and the thumb or big toe will jump. The test records the time it takes the response to travel to the brain. Please print the Neuro-Diagnostic Prep Sheet before your scheduled appointment time.
Balance Testing — Non-invasive visual and ear test to evaluate the function and structure of the inner ear/and or brain. There are specific guidelines including medication avoidance and clothing restrictions to administer this test. Please print the Vestibular Function/Balance Test Prep Sheet before your scheduled appointment time.